Total Medals Earned: 18 (From 6 different games.) Total Medal Score: 350 Points
Medals Earned: 3/3 (40/40 points)
Start the game
Beat Week 1 in Story mode and unlock Week 2
Funk on a Friday (real time)
Medals Earned: 1/16 (5/480 points)
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Don't kill any traitors or cowards in Mission 1A.
[Career] Kill 50 enemies in Arena Mode.
Defeat the Nexus HQ on Easy Difficulty
Defeat the Nexus HQ on Normal Difficulty
[Career] Kill 200 enemies in Arena Mode.
[Career] Kill 350 enemies in Arena Mode.
Defeat the Nexus HQ on Hard Difficulty
Find Jesus's hidden blade in Story Mode.
[Career] Kill 1000 enemies in Arena Mode.
[Career] Kill 2000 enemies in Arena Mode.
[Career] Kill 600 enemies in Arena Mode.
[Career] Kill 9001 enemies in Arena Mode.
[Career] Kill 5000 enemies in Arena Mode.
Defeat the Nexus HQ on Hard Difficulty without playing Hank.
[Career] Kill 53,594 enemies in Arena Mode (Pfffft Good Luck!)
Medals Earned: 4/45 (25/500 points)
Killed 20 enemies
Killed 2 enemies at once
Sticker (Common): Alien Hominid
Killed 50 enemies
Killed 3 enemies at once
Sticker (Common): Green Knight
Sticker (Common): Grunt
Sticker (Common): The Player
Sticker (Common): Tom
Sticker (Epic): Cat Dad
Sticker (Epic): Gold Whale
Sticker (Epic): Necromancer
Sticker (Epic): Tord
Sticker (Epic): Tricky
Sticker (Rare): Edd
Sticker (Rare): Hank
Sticker (Rare): Orange Knight
Sticker (Rare): Pico
Sticker (Rare): Racoon
Sticker (Uncommon): Beefy Villager
Sticker (Uncommon): Boyfriend
Sticker (Uncommon): Hominid Agent
Sticker (Uncommon): Matt
Sticker (Uncommon): The Tank
Win 10 rounds
Win a game of Castle Crashers VS!
Beat 10 rounds!
Killed 30+ enemies with 100% accuracy!
Killed 4 enemies at once
Killed 5 enemies at once
Killed 6 enemies at once
Escaped the magma!
Break 100 blocks!
Broke 500 blocks!
Win a game of Pico Roulette!
Survived for 1+ miles!
Win 25 rounds
Killed 100 enemies!
Killed 50+ enemies with 100% accuracy!
Killed 7 enemies at once!
Survived for 5+ miles!
Crossed the finish line! (~12 miles)
Win 50 rounds
Killed 100+ enemies with 100% accuracy!
Win 100 rounds!
Medals Earned: 6/7 (250/260 points)
Well aren't you a fucking hero?!
Medals Earned: 3/30 (25/495 points)
Start a New Game
Watch Cutscene 1
Check 'Animation Gallery'
Clear Stage 2 'Normal Mode'
Finish a Stage with Mighty Drive activated
Watch Cutscene 2
Watch Cutscene 3
Watch Cutscene 4
Watch Cutscene 5
Check 'Stage Select'
Win a Struggle on Stage 2
Finish a Stage with no Drive activated
Finish a Stage with Knuckle Drive activated
On Stage 1 use “Light Speed Judgement” and set the stage on the moon
Check 'Authors Credits'
Finish off Seelkadoom with the Limit Drive “Light Speed Judgement”
Finish a Stage with Sonic Drive activated
Finish a Stage with Hyper Drive activated
Clear Stage 1 'Normal Mode'
Clear a Stage Without Healer
Deal above 9999 Damage with one attack besides a Limit Drive
Clear Stage 3 'Normal Mode'
Clear Stage 2 'Sonic Must Die Mode'
Win Final Stage
Clear Stage 1 'Sonic Must Die Mode'
Clear Stage 3 'Sonic Must Die Mode'
Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/45 points)
Started a game with a random user.
Finished your first drawing.
Notified someone after taking your turn.
Found the hidden troll face.
Reach a score of at least 10.